The Driller’s are proud to announce we are hosting a golf tournament in support of our club!
Date: Sunday August 17, 2025
Check-in: 07:00am
Shotgun Start: 08:00am
Course: The Ranch Golf and Country Club
Lunch: Provided following the tournament
The Drillers are actively seeking sponsors to assist in making our tournament a great success.
If you are interested in partnering with us for this event, please reach out to golf@edmdrillers.com.
More information can also be found in our sponsorship package.
Sponsorship Opportunities include but not limited to;
Commitment: Negotiated with organizers
Your company branding added to all marketing materials for the event, added to our website, regular social media posts.
Digital advertisement in all golf carts at the start of tournament.
Premium placement for onsite displays and engagement during the event
Participation slots and beverage credit (based on level of commitment)
Sponsor a specific contest.
Current contest options:
1) Closest to the Pin
2) The Pink Ball
3) Hole-in-OneOther contests maybe added based on demand.
Sponsor all or a portion of the lunch following the event.
Company branding on website and social media posts as well as prominent placement around the dining room.
Includes team of 4 to participate. (With commitment to sponsoring the entire lunch.)
Sponsor an individual cart or all carts.
Company branding on the cart/s
Single Cart: $150
Four Carts: $500
All Carts: $6000 -
Commitment: $250.00
Digital ad displayed on the GPS cart
Signage displayed at the tee box (sponsor provided)Optional - Engagement Booth
Requires minimum commitment of $1000.00
Sponsor permitted to set up an engagement booth at the sponsored hole. -
You may donate an item from your business or purchase an item to be raffled off.
All donors will be recognized during the lunch and on our website.
The Drillers are actively seeking volunteers to assist with ensuring a successful event.
If you are able to assist, please email: golf@edmdrillers.com for more information.
Time commitment will be a couple of hours a month leading up to the summer, with more focused tasks leading up to the event. All support is appreciated.
Registration & Entry Fee
Golfers will be able to register as an individual or as a team.
Starting hole assignments will be released a few days before the event.
Early Bird Registration Fees:
Individual: $160
Foursome Team: $600Registration Add-ons;
Reserved Parking: $40.00
Confirms parking space & custom branded sign.Parking Plus: $80.00
Includes parking + 2 drink tickets and 2 extra door prize entries.Claim the Hole: $250
Includes Parking Plus, plus a custom pin flag to keep on their final hole. The buyer picks their starting hole and they finish on their flag. -
General Registration Open: June 15, 2025
Registration Fees:
Individual: $200
Foursome Team: $700Registration Add-ons;
Reserved Parking: $50.00
Confirms parking space & custom branded sign.Parking Plus: $100.00
Includes parking + 2 drink tickets and 2 extra door prize entries.Claim the Hole: $300.00
Includes Parking Plus, plus a custom pin flag to keep on their final hole. The buyer picks their starting hole and they finish on their flag. -
The tournament runs rain or shine.
No refunds will be offered once registered and entry fee has been confirmed.
A wait list will be established once the event sells out. In the event you are not able to attend, a golfer from the wait list will be called upon. If accepted, you will be refunded your entry fee.
Alternatively, you are permitted to transfer your spot to another golfer by emailing golf@edmdrillers.com.
The entry fee will only be refunded, if the new golfer submits full payment when transferring the spot.
Not a golfer? or schedule conflicts and can’t make the event and would like to donate to support our goal?
Donations can be sent by e-transfer to golf@edmdrillers.com
Optional: If wishing to not be recognized on our website, please include in the e-transfer memo and will be listed as “Anonymous Donor”
Registration Dates
Early Bird Registration:
General Registration:
Opens June 15, 2025.
Please note you can register as a team by registering individually or at once. If registering an entire team, we require unique emails for each golfer.